Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Results

Saturday morning begin with my alarm going off and me jumping out of bed (okay, I don't actually jump at 6am). I put warm running clothes on (I heard it was around 38 degrees at that time) and drove to Winter Park. After I figured out the confusing parking situation, I went to the registration table to pick up my number, chip and awesome t-shirt and head back to the warmth of the car. Over 2300 runners showed up. Needless to say, the beginning of the race was extremely crowded. I, of course, had been fighting a case of nerves for the last 12 hours and spent half of the race convincing myself (and the butterflies in my stomach) that all I had to do was run. I reminded myself over and over again that I was running this race for ME and that I was the ONLY PERSON setting the goals. I felt like I was getting ready to get on the ice at a major figure skating event (I use to be a figure skater) and had to worry about landing huge jumps, when I all really had to do was RUN!

Anyways, after calming my nerves, I discovered that my legs were getting really tired and I wasn't even running as fast as I have in the past. Apparently I over did it the day before. I decided that I need to add some strength training into my workouts (the day before a race). Oh, and I forgot to eat breakfast (oops!).

In the end, I was happy with my results. I ran the 5k split in 26:00 (exactly!) and ran the entire race in 27:05. My goal was to run the 5k in 26:00 or less and I (barely) achieved my goal! I was running 8:22 miles. The last 5k I ran was 6 months ago and I finished in 29 minutes, so I cut over 3 minutes off of my time!

Things I Learned:
-I have to eat something before a race. A banana, a little oatmeal, a protein bar (yuck), etc.
-I need to wear a zip up jacket on cold days, not a hoodie.
-If I run at all the day before the race, I should take it easy and not push my muscles.

I am planning on running in another 5k next month. I was looking at one in two weeks, however, I just came down with a nasty cold. I think I am going to do the one in four weeks to give myself sometime to get well again and to train. I would really like to cut a minute off of my time. My best 5k time (unofficial, during training) was 24:25. By the summer I would like to be consistently running 5ks in the 22:00 range. I am thinking about joining a running group to help push me farther.

Happy Running :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Let the Races Begin!

To begin (and further motivate me) this new running "season", I am going to run the Seasons 52 5.2K on January 22nd! I have a week to prepare for this. I am already pumped! I am just hoping that the weather warms up some before then because otherwise its going to be a very cold morning run. My goal is to run it is 26:25 (8 minute miles). I would love to run it in under 26 minutes, but I haven't ran a race in awhile and I don't want to pressure myself with overbearing goals for this first race.

I love the weekend. Especially this weekend. Last night was my last class until Tuesday and I worked for half a day today. Its almost like having a 4 day weekend. Plus Mark has today off, so we are going to be taking off on a date in the next hour. I love date night. Usually Mark works on Fridays and its Ladies Night with my Mom, my Char and Teresa (and Holly when she is not at school or busy). We haven't decided where to go yet though. I am hoping Mark will decide, but I do kind of want to try out the Elephant Bar.

My husband just informed me that he is really hungry. I think that translates to "let's go!'.

Happy running :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Classes and Work and Running....Oh My!

Everybody says the first week of school is the easiest week...I would like to find out who "everybody" is and then "beg to differ". I have already had two quizzes, lots of reading and an assignment. Not to mention the English CLEP Test I took, but I am fairly certain most people do not take that during the first week of school. Yesterday the Registration, Testing and Advising Offices had me running back and forth all afternoon. But the end result was worth it. My class schedule for the semester is officially set and I am enrolled in English 2.

I experienced taking the bus for the first time in 6 years. It was a much better experience than in high school. In addition, riding the bus is EXTREMELY inexpensive compared to driving to school. It only costs $1.00 for students. I cannot drive to school and back on $2.00 worth of gas (not to mention that it is hard to drive a car you don't have). I did consider running home...however I cannot run with my school bag and the direct route is not really pedestrian-friendly. It might be a possibility in the future though (when its warmer). Its only 7.5 miles.

I did run yesterday, only 3 miles though. I am hoping this weather warms up soon. I am hoping I don't break my running goals on the 3rd day. I planned on running this afternoon, but then I remembered I have homework before classes and I have to make a decision. Unfortunately the consequences of neglecting my homework is much higher than if I miss a run. However, I may try and talk Mark into going on at least a mile run (ugh) after classes. At least one mile means I still ran.

Our bodies naturally send warning signals to our brain when something isn't normal. When you run and start to labor a little in your breathing, you may experience slight panic and your body may try to "shut down" (mostly your muscles may feel suddenly stiff or your chest may get tight). The best thing you can to is to relax. Slow your running down, remind yourself that you are still breathing and not "dying", relax your hands (don't clench your hands into fists) and arms, and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. As soon as you relax and your brain is back to normal just pick your pace back up and continue on.

Happy running :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

20 Days of Running: Day One

Today was crazy busy! I went to work (to the job that I quit three weeks ago...but then they offered me more money to train my replacement, I couldn't refuse...oh and they bought me lunch, yum!), got off work 40 minutes after I was suppose to, rushed home to try and get the car home by 2:00pm (our car died a few weeks ago so my Mom has graciously been juggling her car around and helping me get to school and work), which of course didn't happen (traffic at 1:45pm? Where are all you people going at this time?). Thankfully it worked out.

I was also rushing home to try and fit in a run before my evening classes. Thankfully I double checked my schedule and discovered that I only have one class on Tuesday evenings, not two. That made my day! However, by the time I got home this evening, it was already dark out and Mark was working (he also hurt his foot), which meant no running outside for me. It settled for the neighborhood clubhouse and ran on the treadmill. Every time I run on a treadmill I am reminded of how much I HATE running on treadmills. Its boring, unnecessarily extra work and I always end up getting some sort of muscle cramp. The first half of my run was fairly decent, I was running about 8 minute miles. Suddenly a muscle in my stomach seized and I had to slow it down even more (ugh). I ended up running a 3.15 miles in 26 minutes, running the last .15 of a mile at a sprint (finish strong baby!).

Still working on the water consumption...

Good news: 01/11/11 - 3.15 miles ran
Bad news: 26 minutes? Yuck! Okay, that's not actually the bad news. The bad news is that we have a cold front moving through (cold for Florida). It is suppose to drop down to 31 degrees tomorrow night! Yikes!

I am trying to decide what 5k to run next. I was going to run a 5k in Daytona at the end of the month, but our currently car situation makes that slightly unrealistic. However, there is a 5k in town on the 22nd and another on the 5th of next month...I just need to make a decision. Any thoughts?

Running Tip #1 - Start out slow, even if you can walk as fast as you run, don't give up, just keep pushing to your goal. Mentally distract yourself by listening to music or running with a friend. Try to chat if you can. If running alone, focus on your grocery list, a book your are reading, a movie, a blog you are writing, anything that will keep your mind off actually running. Eventually, you will reach your goal and begin to enjoy feeling your feet hit the pavement (or dirt), the mental relaxation and the "runner's high" most runners experience.

Happy running :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

"I Run to Make the Ground Feel Needed"

"I run to make the ground feel needed" (Thanks Holly!)

The idea to start blogging and tracking my running has been bouncing around in my head for a few weeks. Consequently I usually think about it when I am running (how clique, but true). If I could accomplish writing notes and running at the same time, I would.

My sister, my husband I were sitting around discussing the possibilities of a blog. My sister is actually on a college cross country and track team, even though her sport of choice is actually soccer. She claims she finds no enjoyment in running and tells me I am crazy to have an "addiction" to something as "horrible" as running. In short, the quote above was her "joke" about my running "relationship" with the ground.

Looking back, I can't believe that I love running. All through high school I tried running as a form of cross training for figure skating and could never push myself beyond a mile (okay, usually I was lucky to even make it a mile). After high school I ran on and off, again just huffing and puffing to make one measly mile. It wasn't until I moved to Florida that I really started to run. It started with running a mile every chance I had, then moved on to just trying to run for 15 minutes, then 20, then 2 miles. Finally after hitting the 3 mile mark (and overcoming a horrible winter of multiple sicknesses) I ran my first 5k! Ironically, it was my sister who agreed to run it with me. My only goal was to run the whole race and I did, in 32:03! Not an amazing time, but amazing for me! Two weeks later we ran another one, this time in 29:02 (because I ended up throwing up during the race...needless to say, I learned that drinking energy drinks and no water before a race is a bad idea). 6 months later (currently) I have unofficially run a 5k in 24:20.

For now I am unsure what goals I want to set for myself. I would like to run a half-marathon by the end of the year. But I am also transferring to a state college in the fall that has a cross country team with times that I could actually be competitive with if I train hard for the next 7 months. I also cut back on my running over the last month because of the holidays (and a head cold that moved to my lungs, yuck!), which of course is driving me crazy because I thinking about running all day, every day.

Here it goes, I am going to just start with monthly goals until I figure out where this running thing might (or might not) go.

January (starting the 11th):
-I am going to run everyday in January (that's 20 days).
-I am going to reach a minimum of 50 miles in 20 days.
-I am going to attempt to consume more protein and water daily.

Tomorrow I am going to be crazy busy with classes and work, so I am going to try to run in the morning (don't laugh yet honey...I am not a morning person, but I'll try). Oops, I have to get up in 5:30 hours to run!

Happy running :)